VLMS Global Healthcare

Our Cookie Policy: How We Ensure User Privacy and Data Protection

VLMS Global Healthcare ("us", "we," or "our") puts data security at the heart of its operations as we only use your data to better our services. As a HIPAA-certified company, we are transparent regarding the technology we use to improve our website.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit any website that uses cookies. These text files are placed and accessed through web servers and web browsers, allowing the website to use the generated usage data for traffic analytics.

Cookies contain unique identifiers that allow companies to identify website users and their usage patterns for advertising purposes. Cookies also enable websites to offer secure connection and excellent user experience.

How do we use cookies on our website?
We market and promote our services to you based on the information cookies provide us as you browse through our website. This way, we ensure precise delivery of content to keep your experience with our website pleasant.

What cookies do we use?
During the cookies prompt, you are asked to select your cookies preferences. You can refer to the following information to get the idea on types of cookies we use.

Essential cookies:
These are strictly necessary cookies that are essential for smooth working of our websites. For example, cookies for secure logging on our platforms.

Non-essential cookies:

Analytical cookies:
these cookies are used for identification of unique visitors and their usage pattern which we use for furtherance of our website.

Marketing and retargeting cookies:
These cookies especially follow elements of your website visit, including the pages you visited, links you clicked on, etc. to understand your interest. It guides us to show you targeted adverts correlated with your interests.Without marketing and retargeting cookies, you can get bombarded with random advertisements which are of no use to you.

How can I refuse to allow the usage of Cookies or revoke my consent?
We advise you to carefully set your cookies preferences on your first visit to our website by carefully going through our cookies policy. However, you are always free to change your preference or revoke cookie consent you may have granted us.

Contact details:
If you have any queries or feedback in mind regarding our cookie policy, feel free to reach out to us!

Our purpose

Our Purpose is to “Be the most respected healthcare business process and IT services team in the world”.
